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Global Positioning System (GPS) adalah sistem navigasi berbasis satelit yang terdiri dari 24 satelit yang ditempatkan di orbit oleh Departemen Pertahanan A.S. GPS pada awalnya ditujukan untuk aplikasi militer, namun pada tahun 1980an, pemerintah membuat sistem ini tersedia untuk penggunaan sipil. GPS bekerja dalam kondisi cuaca, di manapun di dunia, 24 jam sehari. Tidak ada biaya berlangganan atau biaya setup untuk menggunakan GPS.
Satelit GPS mengelilingi bumi dua kali sehari di orbit yang sangat tepat dan mengirimkan informasi sinyal ke bumi. Penerima GPS mengambil informasi ini dan menggunakan trilateration untuk menghitung lokasi tepat pengguna. Pada dasarnya, penerima GPS membandingkan waktu sinyal dikirim oleh satelit dengan waktu penerimaannya. Perbedaan waktu memberitahu penerima GPS seberapa jauh satelitnya. Kini, dengan pengukuran jarak dari beberapa satelit lagi, receiver dapat menentukan posisi pengguna dan menampilkannya di peta elektronik unit.
Penerima GPS harus terkunci pada sinyal minimal 3 satelit untuk menghitung posisi 2-D (garis lintang dan bujur) dan gerakan lintasan. Dengan empat atau lebih satelit yang terlihat, receiver dapat menentukan posisi 3-D pengguna (garis lintang, bujur dan ketinggian). Begitu posisi pengguna sudah ditentukan, unit GPS bisa menghitung informasi lain, seperti kecepatan, bearing, track, jarak tempuh, jarak ke tujuan, waktu matahari terbit dan terbenam.

1 Jawaban

  • Many natural cycles we depend on for our health and livelihood are changing. The experiences of these people and businesses give a preview of life in a warmer world. Also see common myths and facts about global warming's dangers.
    Our Health More heat can cause serious health problems.Diseases Spread as Climate Changes
    One day in the spring of 1993, an otherwise healthy young man was rushed to a hospital in New Mexico because he was having trouble breathing. Within hours, he died of acute respiratory failure. He had been on his way to the funeral of his fiancée who had died from similar causes days earlier. Within a week, medical experts discovered a handful of similar deaths in the Southwest. All of the victims had been young and relatively fit. The culprit? Hantavirus. Virtually unknown in the United States before 1993, by February 2006, 416 cases of hantavirus had been found in a number of states as far-flung as Florida and New York.Hantavirus is a lung disease that is spread by carriers like deer mice. People contract the disease by breathing in the virus that has gotten into the air through rodent droppings and urine.Scientists suspect a link between climate change and the 1993-94 hantavirus outbreak. Six years of drought followed by heavy spring rains in 1993 produced a burst of plant growth. This in turn led to a tenfold increase in the population of deer mice. Extreme weather, such as drought and torrential downpours, will be increasingly common as the Earth heats up.

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